The Event
XYoga is the largest Yoga event held in Dubai. A regional health initiative to educate, help and assist people with yoga. Yoga is an ancient practice that resonates through every aspect of your life. This event was to trigger all the 5 senses of the human body to help you experience true peace and strength.
The Story
Yoga is something that connects everything in your life. Your soul, your health, your knowledge, your perspective, your energy and your wisdom. It is truly transcendent in nature.
[tran-sen-duh nt]
Going beyond ordinary limits; surpassing; exceeding. Yoga has the ability to effect your whole life and everything surrounding you.
The Event
The main concept of the event was to connect everything and showcase the flow of energy in the universe. One of the prime concepts were the juice stalls where you can use the left over fruit of vegetables to block print your tote bags at the event. From the nutrients to your body to art.
The key message and objective of the marketing campaign was to educate people about yoga and to create a shift in their perspective. We found a simple way to showcase this concept visually with the help of some creative copywriting.